Welcome to Yuecong Xu's Homepage

Research Scientist at Institute for Infocomm Research, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore
Email: xuyu0014 at e.ntu.edu.sg
About Me
I am currently a Research Scientist at the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) Singapore. I obtained my Ph. D. Degree from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, under the supervision of Prof. Mao Kezhi in 2021. My research focuses on video analytics and transfer learning, with special interest in Action Recognition and Video Captioning. Previously, I have obtained my Bachelor’s Degree from NTU Singapore.
I am currently the Guest Lecturer for GISTC, Dongguan University of Technology, China. I am also a Part-Time Lecturer at School of EEE, NTU Singapore. My courses cover Computer Vision and Machine Learning.
I am also an active participant in various robotics competition. I am the Head Counsellor for Kinetics Laboratory at GISTC-DGUT.
Selected Publications [Google Scholar]
- [2022/02] Going Deeper into Recognizing Actions in Dark Environments: A Comprehensive Benchmark Study [Arxiv] [NEW!]
- [2021/09] Multi-Source Video Domain Adaptation with Temporal Attentive Moment Alignment [Arxiv] [Project and Dataset].
- [2021/09] Partial Video Domain Adaptation with Partial Adversarial Temporal Attentive Network [Arxiv] [CVF OpenAccess] [Project and Dataset] [Code].
- [2021/07] Aligning Correlation Information for Domain Adaptation in Action Recognition [Arxiv] [Project and Dataset]
- [2021/07] Effective Action Recognition with Embedded Key Point Shifts [Arxiv] [Elsevier]
- [2020/06] PNL: Efficient Long-Range Dependencies Extraction with Pyramid Non-Local Module for Action Recognition [Arxiv] [Elsevier]
- [2020/06] ARID: A Comprehensive Study on Recognizing Actions in the Dark and A New Benchmark Dataset [Arxiv] [Project and Dataset]
- [2020/05] Exploiting inter-frame regional correlation for efficient action recognition (Action Recognition) [Arxiv] [Elsevier]
- [2019/09] Semantic-filtered Soft-Split-Aware video captioning with audio-augmented feature (Video Captioning) [Elsevier].
- [2022/03] Due to an update in NTU’s policy towards the use of Onedrive for Alumni Account, we will be moving all downloads to Google Drive. The links are updated. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused! :(
- [2022/02] I have accepted the offer from NTU as a part-time lecturer at the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering.
- [2022/01] We are co-organizing the 5th UG2+ Workshop, to be held in conjunction with CVPR2022. For more information about this workshop, please visit our website here. We look forward to your participation. [NEW!]
- [2021/09] One paper has been accepted by ICCV 2021 as Oral Paper!!. Click Here for more details on this paper! The open source code is now available, click Here.
- [2021/08] Congratulations to GISTC-DGUT Kinetic Robotics Team for winning 1st at the RoboMaster 2021 RMUC International Group and Invitation!
- [2021/06] The 4th UG2+ Workshop, was held in conjunction with CVPR2021. We thank all participants for their participation and full support. For more information about this workshop, please visit our website here.
- [2021/03] Congratulations to GISTC-DGUT Kinetic Robotics Team for winning 1st runner up at the RoboMaster 2021 RMUT Guangdong!
- [2020/12] Our ARID Dataset has been accepted in the IJCAI workshop: 2nd International Workshop on Deep Learning for Human Activity Recognition. See you in the workshop on January 8th (virtual).
- [2020/08] Congratulations to GISTC-DGUT Kinetic Robotics Team for winning First Prize at the RoboMaster 2020 Online Assessment Session!
- [2020/06] We publish ARID Dataset! Sample code available now, click Here for more details!
You may contact me through email xuyu0014 at e.ntu.edu.sg